3 Comentarios
feb 19Gustado por Bisiesto Estudio


I hope this message finds you well.

I’m writing to you from Peaka, the no-code platform formerly known as Code2.

We rebranded our platform as Peaka in 2023 and changed our domain name from https://www.code2.io/ to https://www.peaka.com/ in the process.

We’d appreciate it if you could update the below link to Code2.io in your article.

- Your article: https://recursia.substack.com/p/recursia-58-no-es-bisiesto-pero-te

- The link to Code2.io: https://www.code2.io/?utm_source=recursia.com&utm_medium=mailing&utm_campaign=number58-mar-23

- Anchor text: Code2

- The new Peaka URL to be inserted: https://www.peaka.com/

By linking to the proper URL (and not to a 301 URL), you will enjoy

- Higher on-page SEO score

- Accurate and up-to-date information for your visitors

- Better SEO for your site as peaka.com's domain rating improves in time (while code2.io's domain rating declines since the site is no longer used).

For any questions, please feel free to contact me at cinar@peaka.com.




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Apologies for the duplicate sentences in the previous comment. I have no idea why that happened and hope it does not happen this time.

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